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Why Join Phi Mu

 Maybe you have it all figured out, maybe not. In either case you'll need friends to help you along the way. Girlfriends. Sisters. Friends committed to you through a lifetime of ups and downs. Friends who'll help you grow as a person and as a leader. Friends who'll be there when you realize that you really don't have it all figured out. Friends who'll need you to be there for them, too. You know the type. They are the girlfriends who demonstrate that BFF sort of connection with you. They are there to build you up and to be by your side as you build up others. They have a special sort of energy about them. They are vibrant. And they're looking forward to friending you at Phi Mu.

Four Reasons YOU should be a Phi Mu:

  • To Make Friends
  • To Be The Best You
  • For An Opportunity To Lead
  • Because You Like To Help Others


Phi Mu sisters value 3 things: Love, Honor, and Truth.

-Loving our sisters for who they are and helping them grow into the best versions of themselves. Love means that we support each other, care for one another, and are guided by actions that encourage, inspire, and build each other up.

-Honoring our commitments to our sisterhood and to each other. We honor the hearts of our members and celebrate their different backgrounds, pasts, and futures. Honor means that we strive to achieve our best and fight for what we believe in to make the world a better place.

-Striving to create a sisterhood where each sister can live as the truest version of herself. To be truthful is, to be honest, and authentic; it is doing the right thing, even when it isn’t the easy or popular choice.